

Choose the building filter that suits your new climate timber house and discover the variety of our references already built. Each climate timber house is designed in context with the place and built by local planners and timber construction companies.

Your construction partner

Each member of the network is an economically independent company. Regionally rooted, we have well-functioning partnerships with other companies to be able to offer the highest quality of execution. Find your partner here.

Real Estate

Some of our network partners sell or rent their climate wood houses.


Unser Infomaterial für Sie

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Wir haben unsere Projekte in einer Broschüre "Architecture made of LIGNO®" für Sie zusammen gefasst. Genießen Sie auch unsere Homestories und erfahren Sie mehr über das wunderbare Wohnklima in unseren Häusern.


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077 55 / 92 00-0


Netzwerk Klimaholzhaus
c/o Lignotrend
Landstraße 25
79809 Weilheim-Bannholz
Fax +49 (0) 77 55 / 92 00-1028

1995 - 2025 Klimaholzhaus
NatureplusSonnenhaus Institut e.V.