Happy construction families
Lots of wood and freedom in the design of the floor plan make every climate wood house a very individual natural living oasis. Read experience reports from longtime Klimaholzhaus residents and let our satisfied builders convince you of the positive effect of solid wood on the healthy indoor climate.
Write us your experiences with your Klimaholzhaus.
We would be pleased!

Modern and ecological: Family builds climate timber house made of LIGNO® in Eschenz with upper deck and lake view.
A new building made of Ligno forms the centerpiece of a small residential ensemble, which is currently being reactivated in Kronach in Upper Franconia.
Creating living space, not only for themselves, but also for a few more families. Two brothers in Nürtingen-Reudern set themselves this goal.
The Golflodge Schloss Auel is a wooden timbered hotel jewel. The entire architecture is characterized by natural materials and creates a special feel-good atmosphere...
The house of the W. family is a wooden house through and through. When you enter the new building, you only recognize it at second glance ...
Directly located at the lake and surrounded by greenery, family W. has realized her dream home on a slender building plot.
"We immediately felt at ease and in the right place at the Bscheider carpentry, and we were impressed by our passion for wood as well as our creativity and innovative way of thinking."
With great respect for the existing structure, two sustainable, healthy new buildings were built and an existing barn rebuilt.
Multi-storey apartment building made entirely of wood - the showcase project in the developing urban district "Riedpark" in Lauchringen shows the trend towards "wood in the city".
Modern wooden buildings made of Ligno, which are built with the configurable, cross-laminated timber elements of Lignotrend, convince with their structural-physical and constructive strengths.
Free guest-night in a Klimaholzhaus
Feel for yourself
Natural living health for your own home. The construction in the Klimaholzhaus is designed in such a way that pure wood can optimally use its sorptive abilities. Thanks to crosswise spaced individual louvers, the solid wood wall is activated at full depth: temperature and humidity all year round enjoy a comfortable level. The physiologically favorable climate prevents respiratory complaints and allergies and contributes significantly to healthy living.
Klimaholzhaus works!

Our offer
Please choose your preferred hotel
Do you just want to leave everyday life behind?
Discover the special feel-good climate of natural wood in exceptional hotels.
Our offer includes one night for two persons in a double room. But that's not all: you will also receive a voucher for the additional offers of hotels to round off your getaway individually. Your well-being is important to us!
Nachhaltig bauen für die ganze Familie
Das Klimaholzhaus wird zum Traumhaus für Familie Lebok.
Dörfliche Nachverdichtung
Moderner Holzbau: Wohnensemble mit Satteldach- und Flachdachbau zwischen ortstypisch und städtisch.
Holz ist allem gewachsen
Wohnraum schaffen, nicht nur für sich selbst, sondern auch für ein paar Familien mehr, das nahmen sich zwei Brüder in Nürtingen-Reudern zum Ziel.
Einfamilienhaus in Kronach - Wohnen im Holzhaus
Mein EigenHeim November 2021
EFH Kronach_Wohnen im Holzhaus_2021-04.pdf (pdf / 2MB)
Passivhaus am See
Baulust, Januar 2022
Passivhaus am See.pdf (pdf / 1024 KB)